Within each Project, you can view all draw requests created.
Please note that documents uploaded to the draw container will not display on the draw section of the loan but are saved to the document center.
Draw Request Information
- Draw request name
- Current status
- Date
- Approved requests: Approval date
- Submitted/Pending: Submitted date or created date of created by a user
- Unsubmitted: Creation date
- The total amount of the draw request disbursed, including any retainage held back
- Approved requests: total disbursed, including any retainage held back
- Submitted/Pending: total requested, including any retainage held back
- Unsubmitted: total requested, including any retainage held back
- Payees referenced in the request
- Total amount disbursed/requested for payee, including holdbacks
- All line items disbursed/requested to each payee and the total amount per line item including holdback
- To see any retainage held back reference your Budget tab of the loan