When submitting a draw based on document upload, you are requesting that the disbursement from the lender be determined by the documents provided.
To submit a draw based on supporting documentation, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Draws subtab of the loan and select Draw Request from the + New dropdown button.
- Next, select the Draw Type (First Draw, Progress Draw, Final Draw, or Miscellaneous Draw.)
- If your request involves a change order, you must submit the change order prior to the draw request. Click + Create Change Order to submit a new change order.
- If your request involves a change order, you must submit the change order prior to the draw request. Click + Create Change Order to submit a new change order.
- Select the draw workflow Upload Draw Request and click Next. This workflow option allows you to upload supporting documents and set scheduling preferences for inspections.
- Note: Experiences are controlled by the lender and not all user's experiences will be the same. Some workflows may be disabled for your account.
- Note: Experiences are controlled by the lender and not all user's experiences will be the same. Some workflows may be disabled for your account.
- Select the payee from the Payee drop down menu
- If multiple payees are necessary, you will have the option to add additional payees in a later step
- If multiple payees are necessary, you will have the option to add additional payees in a later step
- Enter the total dollar amount requested for the payee selected
Drag and drop the draw request document into the space below, or click to upload.
- Note: Draw request documents should be in PDF format and include the line item number to match each line item's description. Any additional documents or file types can be added in the following step.
- Note: Draw request documents should be in PDF format and include the line item number to match each line item's description. Any additional documents or file types can be added in the following step.
Once the draw request document is uploaded successfully, click Save.
- Add additional payees if needed by repeating steps 4-6, then click Next to proceed.
- On the right, upload any additional documents needed, such as invoices, permits, etc. Uploaded documents will be stored on the left.
- Enter general comments about the project status, then click Next to continue.
- Set your inspection preferences, including inspection options and scheduling.
- Note: Inspection options are controlled by the lender and not all user's experiences will be the same. Some inspection options may not be available for your account.
- If an inspection is NOT required, select No Inspection Necessary (if available in your inspection options.)
- If an inspection IS required, follow the steps below:
- Inspection Required:
- When an inspection is required, choose the appropriate inspection type based on the options provided.
- Select a scheduling option that works best for the inspection.
- Appointment Not Required (Soonest Available). This option does not require scheduling.
- If an appointment is NOT required, select the days and times when the property is available for inspection, along with the best point of contact for the inspection.
- If an appointment is NOT required, select the days and times when the property is available for inspection, along with the best point of contact for the inspection.
- Appointment Required. This option requires scheduling with the designated point of contact. The inspector will reach out to schedule a specific day and time to visit the property.
- If an appointment is required, select the best point of contact for the inspection, and add any additional special instructions.
- If an appointment is required, select the best point of contact for the inspection, and add any additional special instructions.
- Appointment Not Required (Soonest Available). This option does not require scheduling.
- Inspection Required:
- Note: Inspection options are controlled by the lender and not all user's experiences will be the same. Some inspection options may not be available for your account.
- When all inspection options have been completed, click Next to proceed.
- If you are ready to submit your draw request, choose Submit Draw Request.
- Sign the draw request electronically (if enabled by your lender.)
- Once your draw request is submitted, you can rate and review your experience, then click Done.